Nuevo trailer de Las Cebras de Gaza
Adelanto del documental de Guarataro Films y TVES. Con música de Ramallah Underground. Entrevista a la bailarina Megumi Miyata, que vivió en Palestina e Israel. Imágenes grabadas en Gaza, Jerusalén, Belén, el campo de refugiados de Aida y Hebrón. Imágenes del International Solidarity Movement defendiendo a los pescadores de Gaza de los ataques de la armada israelí.
Nou trailer del documental Les zebres de Gaza
Avanç del documental de Guarataro Films i TVES realitzat per dos valencians residents a Veneçuela: David Segarra i Vicent Chanzá. Amb música de Ramallah Underground. Entrevista a la ballarina japonesa Magumi Miyata que va viure a Palestina i Israel. Imatges gravades a Gaza, Jerusalem, Betlem, el camp de refugiats de Aida i Hebrón. Amb imatges del International Solidarity Movement defensant els pescadors de Gaza davant els atacs de l'armada israeliana.
The zebras of Gaza
And advance of the Guarataro Films and TVES documentary. With Ramallah Underground music. Interview with Megumi Miyata, japanese dancer who lived in Palestine and Israel. Images filmed in Gaza, Jerusalem, Betlehem, Aida refugee camp and Hebron. Also with images of the International Solidarity Movement defending the fishermen of Gaza from the attacks of the israeli navy.
The zebras of Gaza is not just a documentary about Gaza and is definitely not about sadness, war or destruction. Is a documentary about Resistance and Resilience, which are present on all humanity. Palestinians are not just victims as they are usually portrayed. They are complete human beings. As us. As the people struggling for a better life in all slums and ghettos worlwide. The zebras represent life, resistance and the capacity to be transformed positively by the harships of life. The zebras alongside with the lions represent beauty, strength and steadfastness. This is resilience, This is poetry. This is war. And peace. Life. And Death. This documentary is about humanity. And it's struggle in one of the frontlines: Gaza, Palestine.
Etiquetes de comentaris: gaza quds jerusalen hebron belen betlehem aida haya palestina palestine israel ramallah underground ism documental documentary venezuela guarataro tves